History rhymes. There is nothing new under the sun. #henryviii #catholicism #protestant #witchcraft #celts #scots #althistory
Catholicism, Witchcraft, the Celts, the Scots & Henry VIII | The Statutes of the Realm.
Here, we look at the statutes of the realm as written throughout Henry VIII's reign. We specifically look at his legislation surrounding the Catholic church, the Celts, the Scots and Witchcraft and consider the method and end game behind his madness. We also reflect on some of his tyrannical laws in comparison with today.
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Here are the links for the research used in this video https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=pst.000017915533&seq=69
The videos I mention, https://youtu.be/tk5LeE8NiVc?si=M78uH9ZgjxP-4cvg and my substack, https://kathede.substack.com/
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